Customer Satisfaction Survey

Look I know that you get these all the time 

" Customer Satisfaction Survey "

But I am a small business having a crack in the online area and there are a few things that I would really like to know.

Did we do a good job ?

Did we make you feel special ?

Was the wine up to scratch and what is what you expected ?

Did the freight company deliver in a time frame which is acceptable ?

If something went wrong what went wrong ?

Did we try and fix it if we could ?

The most important question is

Are you going to shop with us again and if you are not ?

Why not and is there anything that I could do to change your mind ?

Are you recommending us to your friends ?

Appreciate the effort that you have made in completing this and you have no idea how much it means to me.

And if you cant be bothered just call me and let me have it, the good the bad and the ugly.

Jack Simic

Jacks Wine Merchants



  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Price of the wine  
Quality of the wine
Overall package
Your experience of buying from Jacks