Zero Alcohol or non alcoholic wines

Alcohol is removed within production using one of three different methods at cool temperatures to avoid causing damage to the wines. All the wines are ordinary alcoholic wines up to the current point and this is done to try and retain the original flavou

Alcohol is removed within production using one of  three different methods at cool temperatures to avoid causing damage to the wines. All the wines are ordinary alcoholic wines up to the current point and this is done to try and retain the original flavours.

1. Steam Vacuum - The vaporization temperature of alcohol is not up to that of other liquids so, under normal circumstances, it might be necessary to boil wine at high temperatures to steam off the alcohol so damaging the fragile flavors. This process is finished in a very vacuum where vaporization is achieved at much lower temperatures. The wine therefore looses its alcohol but retains the characteristics and flavors that might be lost with normal boiling.

2. Reverse Osmosis - forces the wine through a membrane (filter) to separate the alcohol from the remainder of the wine.

3. Centrifugal Force - is employed in some de-alcoholized wines to 'throw' the alcohol far from the wine through filters. This needs to be repeated again and again to scale back the alcohol molecules.

The world is changing rapidly and the growth of non alcoholic wines and beers is growing enourmously and if you are like me there is a time and place to become responsible with alcohol. Whether that be because you have children and you need to be on the ball or going to a party and and you just prefer not to drink alcohol that is great. Me personally I have a rule that if I am driving I just prefer not to have any alcohol in my system at all it just from my point of view takes an errors of judgement out of the equation. Sure the wines have a long way to go but its a start and they are giving it a go and I have not doubt that in 10 years time this Catergory Zero and Non Alcoholic wines will be a game changer. I know that some people do not get it this Zero Non Alcoholic beer and wine thing, but imagine a world where you can drink a beautiful Pinot, Shiraz or Zero Alcoholic wine that tastes fantastic and has no consequences. This to me is a game changer and I am a big fan of this Catergory and also Non Alcoholic beer as well which I am enjoying thoroughly. Hope you enjoy our selections and thank you for supporting a small family business. Jack